André DeHon


Oliver C. Boileau Jr. and Nan Eleze Boileau Professor of Electrical Engineering
Electrical and System Engineering
Computer and Information Science (secondary)
University of Pennsylvania

Chair of Computer Engineering Program Committee
Director CyberSavvy Security Center

Office: Levine 270
Office Hour: M4:00-5:00pm


IC Group

(research page)

Lab: Moore 315

André DeHon is the Oliver C. Boileau Jr. and Nan Eleze Boileau Professor of Electrical Engineering affiliated with Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE) and Computer and Informance Science (CIS). Prof. DeHon is the founding chair of Penn's Computer Engineering (CMPE) program and the founding director of the CyberSavvy Research Center, a nationwide security initiative sponsored by DARPA. He also serves as chair of the ACM/SIGDA Technical Committee on FPGAs and Reconfigurable Computing. Prof. DeHon is a leading researcher in computer engineering, having established a strong foundation in engineering science for both reconfigurable computing and computer security. His Implementation of Computation Lab delves into how computations can be physically implemented through software and hardware co-design. Prof. DeHon's work focuses on designing adaptable, resilient, and efficient hardware architectures that can be dynamically reprogrammed to accommodate various computational tasks, alongside developing tools to support these architectures. His research emphasizes reconfigurable computing, FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) architectures, interconnects, and aspects such as security, reliability, energy efficiency, and performance.


How do we physically implement computations?

Broadly, my research interests address this question, including physical substrates (VLSI, molecular, ...), programmable media (FPGAs, (multi-) processors, ...), mapping (compilation and CAD), system abstractions and dynamic management (run-time systems, OS, scheduling), and problem capture (programming languages).


Recent Selection


Current Past


Academic History

André DeHon <>
Electrical and Systems Engineering
University of Pennsylvania
200 S. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104