Kostas Daniilidis
Ruth Yalom Stone Professor

GRASP Laboratory
Department of Computer and Information Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Pennsylvania

Archimedes, Athena Research Center, Greece.
Papers: My publications in Google Scholar sorted by citation or by year, and in DBLP and my CV.

PhD Students:
  1. Matthew Leonard,
  2. Ioannis Asmanis,
  3. Agelos Kratimenos,
  4. Yufu Wang,
  5. Anthony Bisulco,
  6. Katrina Ashton,
  7. Jiahui Lei,
  8. Wen Jiang,
  9. Ziyun Wang,
  10. Yinshuang Xu,
  11. Stefanos Pertigkiozoglou,
  12. Evangelos Chatzipantazis,
  13. Vassiliki Vasileiou @Archimedes

  1. Daniel Gehrig

Alumni PhDs:
  1. Kenneth Chaney (UPenn PARCC),
  2. Kendall Queen (Asylon Robotics),
  3. Oleh Rybkin (Berkeley Postdoc),
  4. Bernadette Bucher (University of Michigan faculty),
  5. Karl Schmeckpeper (BDAII),
  6. Wenxin Liu (LFI),
  7. Nikos Kolotouros (Google) ,
  8. Stephen Phillips (BDAII),
  9. Carlos Esteves (Google),
  10. Christine Allen-Blanchette (Princeton University faculty),
  11. George Pavlakos (University of Texas Austin faculty),
  12. Alex Zhu(Waymo),
  13. Spyridon Leonardos (Chicago Trading)
  14. Monroe Kennedy III (Stanford University faculty, co-advised with Vijay Kumar),
  15. Jason Owens (Aurora),
  16. Mabel Zhang (OSRF),
  17. Drew Jaegle (Google Deepmind),
  18. Cody Phillips (Agile AI),
  19. Nikolay Atanasov (UC San Diego faculty, co-advised with George Pappas),
  20. Menglong Zhu (DJI),
  21. Mayank Bansal (Amazon),
  22. Roy Anati (Google).
  23. Alexander Patterson IV (SightLogix)
  24. Oleg Naroditsky (Apple),
  25. Alexander Toshev (Apple),
  26. Ankita Kumar, (Oracle),
  27. Nima Moshtagh (JHU APL, co-advised with Ali Jadbababai).
  28. Ameesh Makadia (Google),
  29. Volkan Isler (U. of. Minnesota faculty, coadvised with Sampath Kannan),
  30. Christopher Geyer (Berkshire Grey),
  31. Adnan Ansar (JPL/NASA),
  32. Weichuan Yu (coadvised with Sommer, HKUST faculty).

Alumni Postdocs:
  1. Georgios Georgakis (NASA JPL),
  2. Marc Badger (Aescape),
  3. Bernd Pfrommer,
  4. Xiaowei Zhou (Zhejiang University, faculty),
  5. Roberto Tron (Boston University faculty),
  6. Luis Puig (Geomagical),
  7. Konstantinos Derpanis (York University faculty),
  8. Davide Scaramuzza (University of Zurich faculty),
  9. Philippos Mordohai (Stevens Inst. of Technology faculty),
  10. Jean-Philippe Tardif (CMU/NREC),
  11. Irene Cheng (U. of Alberta faculty), href="http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~carceron">Rodrigo Carceroni(Google Labs),
  12. Rahul Swaminathan (Deutsche Telekom Labs), href="http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~zabulis"> Xenophon Zampoulis (FORTH/CSI),
  13. Joao Barreto (University of Coimbra faculty),
  14. Thomas Buelow (Philips Research),
  15. Jane Mulligan (Context Data Analytics),
Alumni Associates: Yanis Pavlidis (Google), Nikhil Kelshikar (CISCO),

Teaching: Fall 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, , 2012, 2013, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024: CIS580 Machine Perception
Spring 2021, 2022: CIS 107/VLST209: Visual Culture through the Eye of the Computer
Spring 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 MEAM 620 with Vijay Kumar,
Spring 2007, 2008, Fall 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2019, 2020: CIS121 Data Structures
Fall 2016, 2015, 2004, Fall 2003, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, : CSE390 Robotics.
Fall 2000, 1999, 1998: CSE240 Introduction to Computer Architecture.
Spring 2004, 2001: CIS 700 Special Topics in Machine Perception
Spring 2003, 2000, 1999: CIS 680 Advanced Topics in Machine Perception

Education: PhD, 1992, University of Karlsruhe with Hans-Hellmut Nagel.
My advisor's advisor was the Wolfgang Paul Nobel Laureate 1989 (1913-1993). Wolfgang Paul's advisor was Hans Kopfermann (1895-1963). Kopfermann's advisor was James Franck (1882-1964) Nobel Laureate 1925, Franck's advisor was Emil Warburg (1846-1931). Emil Warburg's advisor was Heinrich Gustav Magnus (1802-1870).
Diploma (Master's equivalent) in EE, 1986, National Technical University of Athens
Address: Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, 3330 Walnut Street, Levine Hall 472, Philadelphia, PA 19104. How to reach GRASP
Acknowledgments: NSF NCS-FO 2124355, NSF FRR 2220868, NSF IIS-RI 2212433, NSF TRIPODS 1934960, NSF CPS 2038873, ARL DCIST CRA W911NF-17-2-0181, ARO MURI W911NF-20-1-0080, and ONR N00014-22-1-2677.